Aquatic plants / Freshwater

Alternanthera reineckii Pink (roseafolia)

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Care Sheet of Alternanthera reineckii Pink (roseafolia)

[dropcap type=”2″ text_color=”#1a1a1a”]T[/dropcap]he crimson underbelly of the leaf of the Alternanthera reineckii ‘Pink’ offers an effective contrast towards the many green plants within an aquascape, especially when grown in groups. Stems can become 25-50 centimeters tall. Good light encourages the leaves to turn a vivid shade of red underneath the leaves. Very easy to propagate by means of clipping off the terminal bud and then planting it in the substrate, which also helps result in the trimmed plant growing bushier since more side shoots can then be formed.

  • Scientific name: Alternanthera reineckii ‘Pink’
  • Common name: Alternanthera reineckii ‘Pink’, Roseafolia
  • Origin: South America
  • Propagation : Cutting
  • Height: 10″ to 20″ (25 – 50 cm)
  • Width: 4″ to 6″ (10 – 15 cm)
  • PH: 5.0-7.0
  • Temperature: 63-82F
  • Lighting(PAR): Medium-High
  • Growth: Medium
  • Difficulty: Medium

Specs on Alternanthera reineckii PinkAlternanthera Reineckii Pink Roseafolia Where To Buy And Information Aquascape Aquarium Planted Tank Redcherryshrimp 6

Alternanthera reineckii Pink is a simple to grow stem plant that should flourish generally in most aquascapes. The plant generally grows to a height of approximately 10 to 20 inches, and even higher under high lighting conditions. The width of each and every stem is around 4 to 6 inches, depending on foliage growth.

The Demands of Roseafolia

Alternanthera Reineckii Pink Roseafolia Where To Buy And Information Aquascape Aquarium Planted Tank Redcherryshrimp 5

Alternanthera reineckii Pink  needs medium to high lighting to grow effectively. If kept in low-light aquariums, the lower foliage of the Roseafolia will drop off. Separating each stem and planting it individually may lead to greater growth and will allow the lower leaves to still collect some light. To be able to achieve strong shoots, the substrate needs to be abundant in nutrients with high light intensity. Alternanthera reineckii Pink can develop well in soft and hard water. Soft, somewhat acidic water is more preferable.

Aquascaping & Alternanthera reineckii PinkAlternanthera Reineckii Pink Roseafolia Where To Buy And Information Aquascape Aquarium Planted Tank Redcherryshrimp 4

The Roseafolia is best suited for being a background plant in any aquarium. There has been some Dutch style aquascapes that used Alternanthera reineckii Pink as a mid-ground plant with proper trimming habits. It’s a plant that gives off a bit of red coloration without being overpowering like other red-color plants within an aquascape.

Roseafolia for Sale & Where to Buy

Not able to find the best places to acquire a bit of Alternanthera Reineckii Roseafolia? There are many hobbyists selling this plant every now and then on various discussion boards. Although you should be cautious with other collectors and the conditions that the plants might be received in. Look directly below for reliable online distributors selling Alternanthera reineckii Pink.