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Product Description
Bucephalandra Brownie red
Overview: Bucephalandra Brownie red is an extremely rare aquatic plant. It belongs to a hard-to-find genus of plants that attracted many aquarists across the world because of their rarity and captivating colors. Bucephalandra Brownie red is an endemic plant from Borneo Island.
Size Portions: Bucephalandra Brownie red is priced per plant
Lighting conditions: Low to Moderate
Growth Length: 1 – 3 cm (leaf length)
Difficulty or care: Moderate
Placement in an aquascape: Mid-ground to background
PH: 6.0 – 8.0
Temperature: 72 – 82 F
Reproduction: Propagation is done by cutting and attaching the roots to rocks or drift woods. Just make sure to have several roots before cutting it.
Growth Rate: Slow