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Product Description
Bucephalandra Kedagang Round
Overview: Bucephalandra Kedagang Round is a species from a relatively new genus Bucephalandra. Bucephalandra Kedagang Round is popular among plant enthusiasts due to its unique color characteristics and rare nature. The leaves of this plant are dark green purple. Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini is a great background plant due to its dense characteristics.
Size Portions: Bucephalandra Kedagang Round is priced per plant
Lighting conditions: Low to Intense
Growth Length: 1-3 cm in diameter (leaf size)
Difficulty or care: Easy
Placement in an aquascape: Foreground to background
PH: 6.5 – 7.5
Temperature: 65 – 77 C
Reproduction: Propagation is done by attaching the roots to woods or rocks until they get hold of it.
Growth Rate: Fast