Aquarium plants / Freshwater / Freshwater plants eriocaulon / Products

Eriocaulon sp Goias

Eriocaulon Sp Goias 3146313

Product Description

Eriocaulon sp. ‘Goias’

Overview:  Eriocaulon sp. ‘Goias’ is an aquatic plant that was first collected in Goias Brazilian State. Eriocaulon sp. ‘Goias’ is most popular to many hobbyists in Asia particularly in Japan, Taiwan, and China. Although it is not as popular in the European and American markets, there are still lots of store offering this plant. Eriocaulon sp. ‘Goias’ is a very demanding plant that is only suitable for experienced aquatic plant collectors or enthusiasts.

Size Portions: Eriocaulon sp. ‘Goias’ is priced per plant

Lighting conditions: High to Intense

Growth Length: 20 cm (height)

Difficulty or care: Difficult

Placement in an aquascape: Mid-ground

PH: 5.0 – 6.5

Temperature: 68 – 86 F

Reproduction: Propagation is done by cutting and attaching the roots to rocks or drift woods.

Growth Rate: Very slow