Aquarium plants / Freshwater / Freshwater plants bucephalandra / Products

Bucephalandra Pygmaea

Bucephalandra Pygmaea Kapit 2583691

Product Description

Bucephalandra Pygmaea

Overview:  Bucephalandra Pygmaea is an aquatic plant which is considered a very rare species from the genus Bucephalandra. The leaves of Bucephalandra Pygmaea are very dark, almost bluish in color. The leaf sheaths are brownish and narrow. If you are interested in biology, see opportunities on Jooble.

Size Portions: Bucephalandra Pygmaea is priced per plant

Lighting conditions: Low to Medium

Growth Length: 1 – 4 cm (length), 1 – 2 cm (width)

Difficulty or care: Easy

Placement in an aquascape: Foreground to Background

PH: 5.8 – 7.0

Reproduction: Propagation is done by cutting and attaching the roots to rocks or drift woods.

Growth Rate: Slow