Shrimp / Shrimp information

Bamboo Shrimp

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Introduction To Bamboo Shrimp

Bamboo Shrimp, also known as Wood Shrimp, originate from Southeast Asia.  Bamboo Shrimp come from the species Atyopsis Moluccenis. They are usually found on high islands from Sri Lanka, Samoan islands, Okinawa etc.

Bamboo Shrimp tend to blend into an aquarium and are fun to watch. They are peaceful and are a nice addition to your home aquarium. For those of you who are new to keeping aquariums, you can start with the Bamboo Shrimp because it is undemanding and easy to care for.

  • English name: Bamboo Shrimp, Banana Shrimp, Flower Shrimp, Singapore Flower Shrimp, Singapore Wood Shrimp
  • Scientific name: Atyopsis moluccensis
  • Origin: Asia
  • Size: 2.7″ to 3.9″ (6.85 – 9.9 cm)
  • Water temperature: 70 -78F
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.5 – 7.8
  • Breeding Rate: brackish water required
  • Behavior: Non-aggressive
  • Difficulty: Easy

Bamboo Shrimp CareBamboo Shrimp Information Banana Shrimp Singapore Flower Shrimp Singapore Wood Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis Redcherryshrimp 6

To care for your Bamboo Shrimp is not difficult at all. From an amateur hobbyist to someone who has experience, these shrimps are easy to care for and will make no demands on your time. All the Bamboo Shrimp needs is moderate water flow.

Ideal Aquarium for your Bamboo Shrimp

Bamboo Shrimp like their hiding spots and also like to sit. A piece of wood for them to sit on and some rocks so they can hide when they feel like is highly recommended. They also need to be fed a proper diet. Ideal water conditions should be a PH of 6.5 to 7.8, temperatures ranging from 70 to 78F, and water hardness of 3 to 10 dkh.

Bamboo Shrimp Food

Wondering what to feed your Bamboo Shrimp? Bamboo Shrimp food comprises of tiny particles of fish food and live plant debris floating in your aquarium. Bamboo Shrimp seem to love it when the substrate gets stirred up or when a rooted plant is shaken up a bit, because they get to feed on the small fine food particles that get dislodged in the substrate.  They seem to enjoy feasting on random food particles.

Bamboo Shrimp are filter feeders. Other than the foods mentioned above, you can also feed them powdered algae. You can make a fine paste of the algae with a few drops of water and then release it into the aquarium. They need to be fed in correct proportions; overfeeding can cause bacterial production.

Bamboo Shrimp Molting and Color patterns

Bamboo Shrimp Information Banana Shrimp Singapore Flower Shrimp Singapore Wood Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis Redcherryshrimp 3

During the molting phase, the Bamboo Shrimp usually finds a hiding spot; it could be behind the heater or sponge filter or any other caves or rocks you may have. Once molting ends, the shrimp then leaves the old shell in the water. Some Bamboo Shrimp like to eat their own discarded shells, as well as the shells of the Amano Shrimp and Cherry Shrimp.

The visually stunning colors of the Bamboo Shrimp are worth the watch. This beauty of nature is mesmerizing in its color shifts. Its regular color is a brown red with a varying concentration of a mix of red and brown i.e. sometimes more red then brown and vice versa. You can easily identity a Bamboo Shrimp that has molted because of its pale brown reddish color.

Tank Mates for Bamboo ShrimpBamboo Shrimp Information Banana Shrimp Singapore Flower Shrimp Singapore Wood Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis Redcherryshrimp 4

Bamboo Shrimp are peaceful and calm. They don’t have any claws to defend themselves. Bamboo Shrimp are happier with other shrimps like Amano Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp etc. They also live well with Corys, Ottos, Chinese Algae eaters, Nerite snails etc. Aggressive fish like cichlids are not advisable at all, especially if you don’t want your Bamboo Shrimp to end up being food.

Bamboo Shrimp Breeding

While a Bamboo Shrimp is worth keeping in your aquarium, you should know that so far there has been no recorded breeding in captivity. The Bamboo Shrimp needs salt water for its larva to grow. All the shrimps on sale in stores are caught in the wild and then sold.

Bamboo Shrimp Behavior

Bamboo Shrimp Information Banana Shrimp Singapore Flower Shrimp Singapore Wood Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis Redcherryshrimp 1

If you want to know your Bamboo Shrimp, you should observe it for a while. You will notice that a happy Bamboo Shrimp will be in the high flow area of the aquarium, filtering food out of the water. They tend to stay there for hours. If it is molting and feels intimidated by other fish, it will find a hiding spot. If you see it picking in the substrate then you know that it’s not being fed properly so ensure you feed as many times as it is needed.

Bamboo Shrimp for sale

There is no scarcity of Bamboo Shrimp for sale; you can find them in your local fish store and any other chain store. You have the choice of choosing small, medium or large shrimps. Once you have chosen your Bamboo Shrimp, check that all its legs, eyes and other body parts are intact. Choose a healthy one by identifying which shrimp has good color.

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