Aquarium plants / Freshwater / Freshwater plants bucephalandra / Products

Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini

Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini 5903285

Product Description

Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini

Overview: Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini is new aquatic plant that is commonly referred to as Lamandau Mini Purple. The leaves of Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini are small and grow in cluster. Similar in nature to Anubias barteri, it is very easy to confuse the two. Some plant enthusiasts will prefer Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini more because their colors are much better.

Size Portions: Bucephalandra Kedagang Mini is priced per plant

Lighting conditions: Low to Intense

Difficulty or care: Medium

Placement in an aquascape: Background

PH: 6.5 – 7.5

Reproduction: Propagation is done by attaching the roots to woods or rocks until they get hold of it.

Growth Rate: Fast