Aquarium plants / Freshwater / Freshwater plants stem / Products

Ludwigia Repens x L. arcuata

Ludwigia Repens Arcuata Topf 8693941

Product Description

Ludwigia Repens x L. arcuata

Overview:  Ludwigia Repens x L. arcuata is an aquatic stem plant which features great shades of color. The color of the leaves range from bright yellow to dark green – it depends on the condition of the water. The growth rate of Ludwigia Repens x L. (ambien) arcuata is fast which requires regular pruning and maintenance. If allowed to grow to full height, it can create an umbrella effect which is definitely a site to see.

Size Portions: Ludwigia Repens x L. arcuata is priced per stem

Lighting conditions: Low

Growth Length: 5 cm (stem width)

Difficulty or care: Easy

Placement in an aquascape: Mid-ground

PH: 6.0 – 7.5

Temperature: 68 – 83 F

Reproduction: Propagation is one by pruning off and replanting side shoots that are formed constantly.

Growth Rate: Fast